Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

BLOG 04. Design challenge

The topic of my research is about the psychological problems of the urban population. In recent years, with the rapid development of cities, the population continues to increase, which has led to emergencies such as intensified social competition and widening income gaps. People’s psychological pressure is also increasing, and they are all facing potential psychological …

BLOG 03. “Remix”

Pablo Picasso said “good artists copy; great artists steal” . At the same time, Jobstein admitted frankly that he was “shameless about stealing great ideas.” It can be said that today many artists have this mantra in mind. Work analysis Next, I looked for some remix cases for analysis: The first is Picasso’s work, In …

BLOG 02. Book analysis

Reading list: Museum, V., 2021. Filmboekje | Kessler, Beppe | V&A Explore The Collections. [online] Victoria and Albert Museum: Explore the Collections. Available at: <> [Accessed 5 July 2021].

BLOG 01. The weight of memory

1.The content of the article The article I choose is ‘ An internet of old things’. The whole article described that all objects have historical meaning given by people, and these meanings connect various objects into a huge network. At the same time, it shows the author’s criticism that people are more focused on the …