Brief(rough idea) After doing some research, I updated my brief and plan to design the project based on the new brief. Brief(iteration) My project Reflective report
Project 04——Film Pitch
1.Brief After reading the brief, I realized that this project is for us to choose a direction from nine topics to conduct research, and use the form of film at the end to show our understanding of the topic based on the research. 2.Mind map In order to better understand the topic and make the …
Project 03——Amplify
1.About Brief After reading this brief, I realised that this is a group cooperation project, we need to combine all the works completed in project two for exhibition. 2.Discuss and decide on the topic Through the first meeting, we discussed and determined the theme, the theme is “The revolution will be televised”, we want to …
Project 02——Publishing Forms
About Brief By reading the brief, I learned that this project requires us to create books based on the poems we have been given.And draw a sketchbook in the process of research. What I got is a song called The Revolution will not be televised. Next, I will conduct a detailed analysis about this song. …
Project 01——Quantified Self
1. Brief First of all, by reading the brief, I learned that this project requires us to record ourselves and our surrounding lives, obtain data from it and visualize it, and at the same time show the process of intermediate research and the drawing of the sketch. 2. Mindmap & sketches First I drew the …
Project 04——Conscious Consumption
1. Brief First of all, through the brief, I realized that this project required me to select one of the three topics to do some research and put forward my own solutions to solve the problems. So after thinking, I chose conscious consumption. 2. Mindmap Then I drew mindmap. I divided this topic into four …
Project 03——RainLater
1. Brief Through reading the brief of project 03, I understand that this project requires assuming that I have participated in the early design stage, making pact analysis and constructing user model according to my selected user group, and finally drawing wireframe and creating a physical prototype of my app for testing. 2. Secondary research …
Project 02——Everyday People
Everyday people After reading the brief of project 2——everyday people, my understanding is that this project requires me to start from my daily life, find problems and conduct research, so I use photos and sketch to record my whole day life and extract several key words. Mindmap Next, I drew mindmap according to the key …
Project 01——My Life Map
My life map 1.BRIEF 01 Through reading brief 01, I understood that the task of the first week was to make a map to introduce myself. The map can be a physical map or a figurative map. The main requirement was to introduce my interests and skills. 2.INITIAL IDEA Through the two words of interest …