My life map

1.BRIEF 01

Through reading brief 01,

I understood that the task of the first week was to make a map to introduce myself. The map can be a physical map or a figurative map.

The main requirement was to introduce my interests and skills.


Through the two words of interest and skill, I thought of my undergraduate course and the reason why I chose interaction design as my postgraduate major.

Therefore, I planned to describe my own study life and describe my hobbies in the process.

First, I brainstormed.

So I selected a few key words: ” University, Beijing,Cat, Snacks


  • University

When I was an undergraduate, I majored in visual design. In this process, I learned how to draw illustrations, practiced software,

and skillfully used PS and AI.

In this process, I found my interest in interaction design, so I chose to change direction after graduation

  • Beijing

After graduation, I came to Beijing to join the interactive design studio for study.

During this period, I learned video editing, experienced VR games and learned more about cooperation with people.

Finally, I successfully entered the University of Southampton for postgraduate study

  • Cat & Snacks

①When I was in college, I began to raise my first cat.

After years of experience, I have learned how to raise a cat skillfully, and raising a cat became my hobby

②Eating delicious food is another big hobby of mine, especially snacks.

Most of the time when I rest at home, I will choose to eat snacks.

And I will hold a taste competition for snacks, as shown in the figure below.


Based on my personal skills, I thought about two ways to make map.

  • Illustration (concrete display)
  • Collage (abstract display)

Collected some related pictures:


As for the form of the map, I made the following two sketches.

The first was to divide the map into three parts, in Beijing, at university and at home.Pictures around the sketch were taken at different times.

At the same time, Three parts outlines were drawn according to the real map.

The second was also to divide the map into several parts, just to make it abstract.


NEXT, Two initial posters were drawn according to the sketch,

But after the tutorial, I gave up the concrete description and chose collage, because collage has more powerful artistic effect.


I added more details.

The poster is clearly divided into two parts: the top and the bottom.

The bottom part shows the experience of learning in University and raising cats.

The top part shows the process of learning and playing in Beijing.

The two parts are drawn according to the real geographical location and map outline, and the compass element is added to the picture to indicate the direction.

Blue is selected to represent the sky and sea, and then use purple and red to highlight the important parts.

This is the process and achievement of my first project.

Thank you for reading!

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